Below are some of the presentations from the workshop:
Introduction by Mark Luther and ACT Brief
Review of Q2O Efforts by Janet Fredericks
Update on OGC Sensor Web Enablement by Mike Botts
Use Case Discussions by Julie Bosch
Report on IODE Workshop on Quality Control of Chemical Oceanographic Data Collections presented by Cynthia Chandler
A description of the COMPS21 in situ currents NEMO Processing with QC flags integrated into OOSTethys Cookbook by Vembu Subramanian (USF/COMPS)
Structure, Content, and Registration of Q2O Vocabulary using MMI ORR by Sara Haines
Progress Report on NetCDF/OPeNDAP to OGC SOS by Sara Haines
Presentation of the MMI OntDev work by Nan Galbraith
Presentation for discussion on metadata by Julie Bosch