
  1. Q2O Registered Vocabularies (March 2009)
  2. Generic Test Modules (SensorML descriptions)

    The test files contain the ProcessChain (Composite) and ProcessModel (Atomic) definitions of the various QC tests performed on the ADCP data. In general, the ProcessChain files operate on a TimeSeries of data, and the ProcessModels operate on individual data points. The Test files are:

    • DataGapTest (xml) - Test to make sure data meet time continuity requirements (the upper left block in the MVCO Process Diagram's figure 3). This test operates on a time series of data.
    • RangeSeriesTest (xml) - Test to determine if a data point lies between an upper and lower bound. Operates on a data series
    • RangeTest (xml) - The atomic Process for Range checking a single point. This is used in several places in the MVCO ADCP Q2O framework.
    • MinThresholdSeriesTest (xml) - Similar to RangeTest, but only operates on a lower bound. Operates on a data series, such as the beamIntensity Test to assure that the time series only includes data when the beamIntensity is higher than a minimum threshold.
    • MinThresholdTest (xml) - The atomic Process for testing if a data value exceeds a lower bound.
    • SpikeTest (xml) - ProcessChain for SpikeTest as described in Chapter 4 of the guides.
  3. MVCO ADCP SWE 2.2 -Version 2.2 of the SOS for Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory. This SOS includes detailed SensorML descriptions of the Quality Control processing that was used to test the raw data.
  4. UNC Sonde-CTD/DO SensorML 1.0 - SensorML documents for the YSI Sonde 6600 (OEM and setup/deployment SensorML file) ... demonstration of NetCDF->SOS with QC flags (ROUGH-DRAFT)
  6. Challenges and Opportunities
  7. TODO (before 6/30/2011)
    • Continue to add dictionary URIs for terms as they become available
    • Update user guides to reflect changes since 1.0
    • Complete OGC-style Q2O model document
    • Update OOSTethys Cookbooks to include some of the Q2O descriptions
    • Complete UNC/CTD-DO with NetCDF QC-d data feed
    • Add linearInterp SensorML and deal with minLen vs DataGapTest
    • Flush out ADCP EventTypes vocabularies
    • Implement SAS when VQFlag has failed (sending all QC flags in Vel_QC_Chain