******** from white board day 2 [061908] ********* Use Cases -- In situ currents (with a slant toward qa/qc) (1) oil spill situation (2) Search and Rescue: small plane crash over water find sensors that could provide (3) Observation comparison and validation (ships that have ADCPs that pass by buoys to validate data); notify me when ship goes by my buoy; get that data for comparison; sensor alert service. (4) HAB events (5) Daily ship operations (support from ocean and met observations) *** from white board day 2 [061908] *** Purposes - Point of focus - Proof of concept demonstration for oceanographers - Demo to managers for funding. *** from white board day 2 [061908] *** Functionality to test/demo - sensor discovery - location along a ship path (alert when near station/buoy) - operational status etc. - best quality measurements (what is the closest measurement that I can trust) - model validation / model nudging - combining "old" and "new" technologies (real-time and archive data integrated) - flexible sampling (at data center [SOS], at sensor [SPS]) - on demand computing of non standard products from low-level (i.e."rawer") data - determining that a data set doesn't met need (due to QC concern); going back to low level to apply different QC or to alter test variables (criteria) - dynamic checking - comparison of results (e.g. ship vs buoy) **** day 2 [061908] **** Janet (slides - "what is needed") *instrument and sensor information *other instruments vacms vector averaging current meter s4 vmcns (MAVS, FSI, ) laser doppler hf radar (remote) leave as placeholder *type of measurement point, profile, burst *deployment description orientation of the sensor beam to instrument transformation matrix upward looking; downward looking sensor depth (below surface) nominal depth water depth site depth / nominal depth how the sensor is located vertically and how it is determined based on how deployed) fixed (on tripod), moored, mobile comments (added as text) comments (bottom characteristics) comments (which bins can be effected by flow disturbance) *platform description (type) type of platform how the platform is deployed *recovery description *instrument configuration calibration constants geographic coordinate system firmware version *what processing is done on the sensor *time series processing time test - clock drift check (uses wall clock time); (pre and post deployment) calibrating time with each burst what is the deviation over the length of deployment need for quality tag for time and position, (temporal and spatial parameters) how do you determine where the bins are (for adcps); how are bins located/calculated; how is instrument head located (Brad); range from reference point and reference point (George) water depth and source datum, source, correction (Al) qualify number (relative to mean low water?) timeliness flag (Todd) gap test (what caused the gap - instrument history - biofouling, fish,...) quality controlling parameters based on co-located sensors, auxiliary parameters (compass stuck?) (stuck sensor test) outlier test (tolerance criteria) averaging (how is it done) number of points used; reference frame used (stable) range checking based on environmental controls define where the sea surface is and which bins are beyond that FFTs and look for expected peaks ****** What should we use for an example instrument? ADCP (include temperature and pressure measurements) MAVS or ADV (something that does a point measurement) Todd to send MAVS data set example Use an NDBC ADCP example from MMS Data ****** get velocity data back from a lat lon and depth (Rich) work on Mattlab "get capabilities" ******